Our Story
Curated 2

We live in a demanding world. Personal and professional responsibilities compete for each minute. Navigating through conflicting imperatives is second nature to us now, like breathing out and breathing in.

Gratitude comes in moments of calm reflection. As you consider your own life, who are your heroes? Business partners? Colleagues? Bankers or financial advisors? Are the brief moments with loved ones, grandparents, parents, husband, wife, children, brothers, sisters… insignificant? Are personal, intimate experiences without meaning? Are commercial relationships the most important? Life is choices. Balance is critical. There are no easy answers. Hard decisions must be made. Family responsibilities are real. Obligations to team members and others who rely on you are genuine, too.

When your mother closes her eyes for the last time, will she regret that you did everything possible for her comfort and support in her twilight hours? Or will she wish that you had closed another deal? Will your aging father be disappointed that you spent quality time with him and provided well when you could not be at his side? Or will he be distressed that you preferred his companionship to another company meeting?

When our Founder, Lily’s grandmother suffered a stroke, she resolved to become a Registered Nurse. For the ten years following graduation, in addition to hospital duty, she nursed her grandmother and treasures each moment of that priceless experience.

Having done the very best you can for your loved ones in their time of need, will you still feel not-in-peace? Quite recently, Lily lost her father to unexpected, developing cancer. Throughout his life, he was a prominent leader with great responsibilities. In retirement, he was active and respected. Lily was privileged to be with him the entire time at William Beaumont Hospital and the University of Michigan Medical Center, desperately seeking a cure that did not exist.

Is it possible to think that you could be contented, even quietly proud, while grieving the loss of a loved one? Curated Home Care brings together efficient, effective experienced care providers. Personable and professional. Your family members and loved ones will truly be in the best of hands, and you can be assured for being there with them for the moments that count.



Lily Carrier, Founder and President. Lily holds a Bachelor of Science, Nursing (BSN) degree from Michigan State University, she is a highly experienced Registered Nurse. She also holds a Master of Arts (MA) in Education and served as faculty. Lily completed her Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree at the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business, Ann Arbor. She is the author of Unlock! Nurse Entrepreneurs, a guest speaker at CMSA, a keynote speaker at College of Nursing, MSU, as well as a member of its Board of Directors. Drawing upon her 20+ years of home care operation, client services and healthcare consulting experiences, Lily and our compassionate team are committed to the best quality of care and peace of mind for you and your loved ones.


Tony H.

“The wonderful, practical care providers show the road and guide us on the journey to achieve quality of life, we truly appreciate our heart-warming personal experience.”

Sophie H.

"The services are uniquely valuable and deliver a whole new level of professionalism, efficiency and quality care .”

Dave C.

"Thank you so much for these valuable services, you have a great team and put lots of efforts on it. Great work!"

May Z.

“Your team understands that quality springs from caring and respect and the capability to do the ‘right thing’ on each one of our own terms. I love your compassion, patience, and willingness to work with patients and families to provide them with the best quality of life! You all definitely inspire not only patients, but also many family members like me!”